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Moringa eksporteur
Us Ccmpany is in liedende fabrikant, leveransier en eksporteur fan organysk Moringa-blêdpoeder, Moringa-sieden en Moringa-oalje.
Wy binne in yntegrearre Moringa-bedriuw dat him dwaande hâldt mei it behearen fan Moringa-buorkerijen foar it produsearjen fan Moringa-produkten mei wearde tafoege.
Wy eksportearje organysk Moringa-blêdpoeder nei mear dan 20 lannen wrâldwiid.
De measte fan ‘e liedende nutraceutyske merken hawwe Us Moringa-blêdpoeder brûkt yn har formulearringen.
Us Moringa-buorkerijen en fabryk lizze yn ‘e provinsje West Nusa Tenggara yn Yndoneezje, milen fuort fan ferkearsopstoppingen en fersmoargjende yndustry.
Wy wurkje mei hûnderten lytse boeren en hawwe in Fairtrade-maatskippij foarme om de Moringa fan ‘e bêste kwaliteit fan’ e wrâld te kultivearjen yn it tropyske klimaat. Wy hawwe in folsleine transparante supply chain.
Al ús produkten binne werom te finen nei de pleats dêr’t it ûntstien is. Wy biede de bêste kwaliteit organyske Moringa-produkten direkt fan ‘e boarne.
Moringa Oleifera
Hoewol lyts yn grutte, hawwe Moringa-blêden in protte wichtige sûnensfoardielen. Yn feite neame wittenskippers it in magyske beam (Miracle Tree). Moringa-blêden binne ovale yn foarm, en lyts yn grutte kreas regele op in stâle, meastentiids kocht as in griente foar behanneling. Undersyk nei de effektiviteit fan Moringa-blêden is sûnt 1980 begûn, nei de blêden, dan de bast, fruit en sied.
The world health organization WHO recommends for children and infants in their infancy to consume it, because of the benefits of the large content of Moringa leaves, which contain: Three times more potassium than bananas, Four times more calcium than milk, Seven times more vitamin C than oranges, Four times more vitamin A than carrots, Twice the protein than milk.
The WHO organization named the Moringa tree as a miracle tree, after discovering the important benefits of Moringa leaves. En.wikipedia.org More than 1,300 studies, articles and reports have explained the benefits of Moringa and its healing abilities, which are important in dealing with disease outbreaks and malnutrition problems. Research shows that almost every part of the Moringa plant has important properties, which can be utilized in several ways.
Benefits of Moringa leaves.
Maintain weight.
The important thing that should not be forgotten is to keep the body in balance with its weight. Studies conducted by experts found that Moringa tea helps to deal with digestive problems whose benefits are to stimulate the body’s metabolism for optimal calorie burning.
Tea made from Moringa leaves contains high polyphenols, which work as antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants to detoxify toxins in the body, and strengthen the immune system.
Remove facial spots.
The simple ingredient, take a few young Moringa leaves, mash until very fine, then use it as a powder (or can also be mixed with powder), that in some countries Moringa extract has been used as a raw material for making cosmetics for the skin. The parts of the Moringa plant that are widely used for the skin are the bark, leaves, flowers and seeds.
Moringa leaves contain nutrients such as calcium and minerals such as copper, iron, zinc (zinc), magnesium, silica and manganese. Moringa leaves can also be a natural moisturizer, have uses to remove dead skin cells and cleanse the skin.
Moringa leaves contain more than 30 antioxidants that are beneficial for skin health. Moringa leaves are rich in minerals and amino acids that can help produce collagen and the protein keratin, which is important for the health of all skin tissues in the body.
There are several well-known brands of cosmetic products that use Moringa oil as a raw material for their products. Especially skin care products such as antiaging creams, anti-wrinkle creams, aromatherapy oils, facial foams, lotions, lightening creams and deodorants.
The benefits of this Moringa plant are indispensable for the health and beauty of the skin, starting from Moringa leaves, Moringa oil to Moringa flowers. Moringa flowers are often used as raw materials for cosmetics and perfumes, colognes, hair oils, and aromatherapy oils. Moringa flowers contain high oleic acid, very well refined into oil. Moringa flower oil can be relied on to absorb and retain aroma.
Utilizing Moringa leaves for beauty.
How? first make a paste of Moringa leaves. Choose Moringa leaves that are still green and fresh, separate from the branches. Puree the Moringa leaves by adding just a little water (so that the Moringa leaves form a paste). Then used as a mask, the Moringa leaf paste can be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator.
Moringa leaves provide nutrition for breastfeeding mothers and children.
The development of the benefits of Moringa plants in Indonesia is relatively late compared to abroad. However, there is still an opportunity to develop it for domestic and export market share. There is great potential to develop the market for the benefits of Moringa plants in improving nutrition in breastfeeding mothers and children.
Moringa leaves contain protein, iron, and Vitamin C. In addition, there are also flavonoid elements whose benefits are to help breastfeeding mothers produce more breast milk. The protein content makes quality breast milk.
High iron content, which is 25 times higher than spinach, is recommended to be consumed by mothers after giving birth, where menstruating women generally lose a lot of iron. For children, it can be consumed since the baby, namely babies over six months. Pregnant women need to avoid consuming Moringa leaves during pregnancy, especially the first trimester.
Healthy eyes.
Moringa leaves have a high content of vitamin A which is very good for the eyes. Consumption of Moringa leaves is useful so that the eye organs are always in a healthy and clear state.
Moringa leaves can be used in curing eye diseases, can be eaten directly (after the leaves are cleaned). Moringa leaves have a lot of nutritional content, one of which is vitamin A and calcium.
The vitamin A content in Moringa leaves is useful for protecting eye health, whether it’s starting to reduce the risk of plus, minus, cylinder and cataract eyes. Moringa leaves are also good when consumed by diabetic patients and are useful for clearing their eyes.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.
According to a report published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Moringa leaves contain a blend of essential amino acids, carotenoid phytonutrients, antioxidants such as quercetin, and natural antibacterial compounds that act like anti-inflammatory drugs.
Moringa leaves have several anti-aging compounds that can reduce the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation. The benefits are increasingly optimal with the presence of polyphenolic compounds, vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid these compounds are associated with a reduced risk for chronic diseases, such as stomach, lung, colon cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and eye disease due to risk factors. age.
Maintain kidney health.
The consumption of healthy food automatically helps the kidneys to work optimally (function), otherwise unhealthy food (one of which is high-fat food) will accumulate in the kidneys causing health problems. Consumption of Moringa leaves, automatically helps restore kidney health that is already in bad condition.
Slows down the effects of aging.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology tested the benefits of Moringa. Knowing about the levels of valuable antioxidant enzymes, researchers wanted to investigate whether Moringa leaves could help slow the effects of aging, by utilizing natural herbal antioxidants, which are able to balance hormones naturally.
The study involved ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45-60 years divided into three groups, who were given varying levels of supplementation. The results showed that supplementation with Moringa and spinach led to a significant increase in antioxidant compounds, which play an important role in slowing the effects of aging.
Treating rheumatism Moringa leaves can be used to treat rheumatism.
The use of Moringa leaves in the treatment of rheumatism to reduce pain in the joints and reduce the buildup of uric acid in the joints, which is very important in overcoming the problem of rheumatism or gout. The benefits of this Moringa leaf can be used for rheumatism, aches, pains, etc.
Prevent heart disease.
A laboratory animal study published in the February 2009 issue of the “Journal of Medicinal Food” found that Moringa leaves prevent heart damage and provide antioxidant benefits. In the study, dosing of 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily for 30 days resulted in lower levels of oxidized lipids, and protected heart tissue from structural damage. The researchers concluded that Moringa leaves provide significant benefits for heart health. Further research is still needed to strengthen these findings.
Moringa leaves provide nutrition for breastfeeding mothers and children.
The development of the benefits of Moringa plants in Indonesia is relatively late compared to abroad. However, there is still an opportunity to develop it for domestic and export market share. There is great potential to develop the market for the benefits of Moringa plants in improving nutrition in breastfeeding mothers and children.
Moringa leaves contain protein, iron, and Vitamin C. In addition, there are also flavonoid elements whose benefits are to help breastfeeding mothers produce more breast milk. The protein content makes quality breast milk.
High iron content, which is 25 times higher than spinach, is recommended to be consumed by mothers after giving birth, where menstruating women generally lose a lot of iron. For children, it can be consumed since the baby, namely babies over six months. Pregnant women need to avoid consuming Moringa leaves during pregnancy, especially the first trimester.
Healthy eyes.
Moringa leaves have a high content of vitamin A which is very good for the eyes. Consumption of Moringa leaves is useful so that the eye organs are always in a healthy and clear state.
Moringa leaves can be used in curing eye diseases, can be eaten directly (after the leaves are cleaned). Moringa leaves have a lot of nutritional content, one of which is vitamin A and calcium.
The vitamin A content in Moringa leaves is useful for protecting eye health, whether it’s starting to reduce the risk of plus, minus, cylinder and cataract eyes. Moringa leaves are also good when consumed by diabetic patients and are useful for clearing their eyes.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.
According to a report published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Moringa leaves contain a blend of essential amino acids, carotenoid phytonutrients, antioxidants such as quercetin, and natural antibacterial compounds that act like anti-inflammatory drugs.
Moringa leaves have several anti-aging compounds that can reduce the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation. The benefits are increasingly optimal with the presence of polyphenolic compounds, vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid these compounds are associated with a reduced risk for chronic diseases, such as stomach, lung, colon cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and eye disease due to risk factors. age.
Maintain kidney health.
The consumption of healthy food automatically helps the kidneys to work optimally (function), otherwise unhealthy food (one of which is high-fat food) will accumulate in the kidneys causing health problems. Consumption of Moringa leaves, automatically helps restore kidney health that is already in bad condition.
Slows down the effects of aging.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology tested the benefits of Moringa. Knowing about the levels of valuable antioxidant enzymes, researchers wanted to investigate whether Moringa leaves could help slow the effects of aging, by utilizing natural herbal antioxidants, which are able to balance hormones naturally.
The study involved ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45-60 years divided into three groups, who were given varying levels of supplementation. The results showed that supplementation with Moringa and spinach led to a significant increase in antioxidant compounds, which play an important role in slowing the effects of aging.
Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Women.
For women, consumption of Moringa leaves may not be a new thing. Moringa leaves are believed to be good for maintaining the health of female reproductive organs. But it turns out that the benefits of Moringa leaves for women are many. These benefits include;
Preventing Anemia in Pregnant Women.
Anemia is a risky disease for pregnant women. Because the blood levels in the body of pregnant women are needed to maintain the health of themselves and the children they are carrying. In addition, anemia is also dangerous during the birthing process. To overcome the danger of anemia in pregnant women, consumption of Moringa leaves can be one solution. Moringa leaves have the ability to increase hemoglobin so that the risk of anemia can be prevented.
Preventing the Risk of Complications in Pregnant Women.
Complications during pregnancy can happen to anyone. To prevent this, pregnant women should consume healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Moringa leaves can be a healthy food choice for pregnant women. because this leaf has many nutrients and minerals needed during pregnancy.
Increase Breast Milk Production.
Mother’s milk or breast milk is needed because after the baby is born, the main food consumption comes from breast milk. Unfortunately, not all women can produce breast milk immediately after giving birth, sometimes it takes a booster first so that milk can come out.
Moringa leaves have the same galactogogue effect as katuk leaves. This effect can make breast milk production increase. With an abundant amount of breast milk, the baby’s nutritional needs can be met.
Increase Antioxidants after Menopause.
Antioxidant levels in women can actually be reduced due to reduced production of the hormone estrogen. To increase these antioxidants, it is recommended to consume Moringa leaves in the form of porridge. Moringa leaves are believed to increase antioxidants which are important for maintaining a healthy body.
How to Process Moringa Leaves Correctly
So that the benefits of Moringa leaves are maintained, then you must know how to process them. There are several ways to properly cultivate Moringa leaves, such as the following:
Processed into tea.
To process Moringa leaves in this way. You have to make sure the Moringa leaves are dry. After that, put the Moringa leaves in a cup and brew it like you would make tea. You can also add sugar or honey to add flavor.
This method is the most common method. But in this way all parts of Moringa leaves can be used. The boiled water can be drunk and the boiled leaves can be used as salad.
Moringa leaf vegetables also turn out to be not only delicious but also rich in benefits. Moringa leaves can be made into clear vegetables with the addition of sweet corn and some spices that will make the taste richer.
Do You Want To Make Your Own Moringa Product ?
Good news! We can produce moringa finished products using your own brand / private label moringa / white label products of Moringa Oleifera product – Contact us via phone / whatsapp : +62-877-5801-6000